Contact Us (973) 827-7126


Breakfast and Lunch

Your child(ren) have the opportunity to get a healthy breakfast and/or lunch through Maschio’s Food Services, Inc., Ogdensburg Elementary School’s carefully chosen vendor.

All meals include 1) grains/breads, 2) meat/meat alternative, 3) fruit/juice/vegetable, and 4) refreshing milk.¹  Students must choose at least three items. Make sure one is a fruit, juice, or vegetable!


How to Pay

Ogdensburg Elementary School allows for cafeteria payments to be made via cash or through PaySchools Central, a computerized point-of-sale (POS) debt system where parents can open an account and purchase meals and snacks in advance online or using a check. It is important to know, if cash is used at the register the change will be placed on the student’s account. NO cash will be given at the register. 

Once an account is created, it issues a meal card and Personal Identification Number (PIN) to your child(ren), which corresponds to their food service account and should be kept confidential. 

  • Lunch for the 2024-2025 will be $3.60
  • PaySchools Central Advantages
    • Any prepaid meals or remaining funds at the end of the school year are available for use in the following school year or may be transferred to a sibling’s account.
    • A cashless system is a new safety measure to prevent the Covid-19 virus from spreading.
    • Students have more time to eat 
    • Minimizes “lost” lunch money and parents can access purchasing history
    • Technology minimizes cashier errors 
    • Payments can be made 24/7 online 
    • Low balance alerts for parents

How to Open a PaySchools Central Account

Free & Reduced Meals

Parents may apply at any time during the school year for free or reduced meals. The Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals is still available and is used to determine eligibility for P-EBT benefits and state funding. Please contact Lori Zosche, Access Staff Directory

Letter to Parents for 23/24 school year


Please call or email 973-827-7126 ext 121 or email

¹Food allergies? Please call Mashio’s at (973) 598-0005 to speak to one of their registered dietitians.


Back to school Food Service Video